Bollywood magnificence Sunny Leone is being hailed by just for her position even with a frightening meeting that was finished by a popular columnist of a main distribution. The performing artist was gotten some information about her life and profession decisions yet as opposed to exiting she replied with a noble etiquette that picked up her gratefulness from all. Her fans and associates from Bollywood took to Twitter in backing of the magnificence.
Take a look at these 15 unapologetically bold and powerful statements she made. This shall finally change the way India looks at her.
Here’s a woman who doesn’t regret being a pornstar. Can you handle that, India?
“I don’t have professional regrets. I’ve made mistakes, just like anybody else or maybe made the wrong choice or wrong decision. But I learnt from it.”
Acceptance doesn’t come easy in India. Most Bollywood actors have refused to work with Sunny Leone. But does that bother her? Of course, not!
“I don’t care about anybody else’s inhibitions or what they’re insecure with, if they want to work with me or not. It actually doesn’t bother me because I’m still working. I work every single day and I’m very happy for that.”
Reporter probed her to admit that being a pornstar was a wrong decision. “If I were to turn the clock back, would you still do what you did?” He asked. And here’s how Sunny Leone shut the judgmental douchebag down!
“One hundred percent. Everything that I’ve done in my life has led me here. It’s a chain reaction that happens. Everything is a stepping stone to something bigger or better, or you want it to be bigger and better. That’s what life is all about. You grow. When you’re young, you make decisions that lead you to who you are as an adult. And that’s just the way it works.” She said.
She has no sorry stories to tell. She wasn’t raped or molested. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve respect. She’s a strong woman who did what she wanted to.
“I don’t have any horror stories. I wasn’t abused, I wasn’t beaten, I wasn’t molested, I wasn’t raped.”
There you go, she said it. She said the unthinkable. What are you gonna do?
“I did not aspire to be a pornstar. It just kinda happened. When I saw these photos of these women I didn’t think ‘Oh, this is vulgar.’ I didn’t think Oh, this is wrong’. I thought of it as being beautiful, sexy. They’re free, they’re doing whatever they want to do. And, that’s how I saw it.”
This one’s for all the politicians who blame her for increasing rapes and crimes against women in the country.
“I think I am happy to be a part of a political speech. If you think so much in your day, that you wanna put me in your speeches and you want to blame me for things, I think it’s that person’s choice. You know, I’m waiting for Obama to make a speech about me.”
And you thought a former pornstar wouldn’t have morals? Guess what, she has a healthy married life with a man she’s fully committed too.
“Sorry ladies, I don’t want your husbands at all. I have my own. I love him. He’s hot, he’s sexy. He’s very smart, he’s talented.”
When Reporter held her responsible for the growing ‘unrest’ and ‘discomfort’ amongst the Indian audience, she had the perfect, most sensible response.
“I believe that every husband and wife should have a beautiful relationship, a healthy relationship, that people should be secure in their lives with who they are – their husbands or their wives or boyfriends, girlfriends, whoever it is in life. At the end of the day, I should not matter in their world.”
Take that, haters!
“There’s gonna be people who hate you all over, it doesn’t matter where you are in life. I’m not someone who gets frazzled or affected by people’s negativity at all. Not even a little bit."
That goes not just for Reporter but every person who judges and derides someone on their choices in life. What you think of someone says nothing about them, but volumes about you.
“Usually, negativity spuns from your own life and how you are. So, I have no reason to hate you and if you have a reason to hate me because of your views in life, then that’s your prerogative. You can do whatever you want.”
And that’s the way to be, Sunny Leone!
“Whatever someone’s opinion is about me, I actually don’t care.”
Yes, she’s doing it for the money and there’s no harm in that. Why else do you go to work every day?
“It’s not just about money. It’s about something that I’ve always wanted to do. Just like you’re paid to sit to talk to me, I’m paid to sit to talk to you. That’s just how it works. At the end of the day, it is business.”
Reporter probed her to admit that she’s selling her body to make money and pat came her response.
“It’s everybody’s face and body that takes them everywhere when you work in entertainment. Every single actor or actress. Their skill level, their determination, whatever they’re training in life separates them from one actor to the next, it is the beautiful face that we see on television, that we’re attracted to watch. We wanna turn the channel to their show, their movie. We buy their movie ticket because we’re attracted to the fantasy or the allure of who that person is. That’s what entertainment is. It’s a fantasy.”
Taking obnoxiousness to a whole new level, Reporter actually went on to blame Sunny Leone for corrupting people’s morals. He even had the cheek to say, “You see a Sunny Leone film, you get morally corrupted. I’m wondering whether I’m being morally corrupted because I’m interviewing you.”
“Well, I can leave if you want me to.” Sunny Leone made clear that she wasn’t going to take sh*t from anyone, especially judgmental pricks.
While most Bollywood celebrities spend their lives portraying a certain image, Sunny Leone doesn’t give a damn. She knows who she is and that’s all that matters. She knows she cannot please everyone, and those who’re going to judge will judge, no matter what and there’s no way she can change that.
“I want the viewers to look at me how they wanna look at me. However they feel like seeing Sunny Leone, then that’s how they’re gonna see me. There’s no way that I can change all the viewers that are watching this one interview, to change their mind and say “Hey, I’m a real person. I’m not, you know, maybe what the media makes me out to be, or what you think I might be”. I need five minutes with somebody to have a normal conversation and I might change that person’s view of me. That’s all that matters at the end of the day.”